Streamlining the Wheat Value Chain in India

The wheat value chain in India faces several challenges, including an inefficient workflow, inaccurate quality assessment, inadequate supply chain management, and limited access to data insights. Manual and outdated processes contribute to a slow and error-prone workflow, causing delays and discrepancies in decision-making.


Unlocking the Value Chain

AgNext's holistic solutions revolutionize the wheat value chain by streamlining operations and boosting efficiency for agricultural processors. Through compelling visual representations, the case study illustrates how processors leverage AgNext's technology and software platforms to effectively manage and monitor every stage of the value chain, starting from raw material procurement all the way to the distribution of the final product. AgNext's comprehensive solutions empower processors to make informed decisions, improve workflow efficiency, and optimize their overall operations, leading to enhanced productivity and profitability in the wheat industry.

Deep Tech Expertise

AgNext harnesses its deep technological expertise, leveraging artificial intelligence and data analytics, to empower processors with advanced insights and enable rapid decision-making. The case study showcases scenes of AgNext's experts collaborating closely with processors, demonstrating the practical application of deep tech solutions, data analysis, and AI algorithms. These cutting-edge technologies drive operational excellence and productivity, empowering processors to make informed decisions swiftly and optimize their overall performance. AgNext's commitment to innovation and collaboration positions them as a trusted partner in enhancing the wheat value chain and driving the success of agricultural processors.

Solving the Problem of Physical Analysis Rejection

AgNext's solutions effectively tackle the problem of physical analysis leading to product rejection by providing processors with accurate and reliable quality assessments. Processors adopt AgNext's non-destructive testing technology, including NIR spectroscopy, to swiftly and precisely analyze the quality of their products. The case study visually highlights how this technology eliminates the need for subjective physical inspections, resulting in a significant reduction in rejection rates. AgNext's innovative approach ensures that processors can make informed decisions based on objective quality assessments, leading to improved product quality, minimized waste, and enhanced overall efficiency in the wheat value chain.

Traceability of End-to-End Value Chain

AgNext places a strong emphasis on traceability, enabling processors to effectively track and trace every stage of the wheat value chain, ensuring transparency and compliance. With AgNext's integrated platform, Qualix, and software solutions, processors can capture and record data at each step, enabling real-time traceability from the farm to the processing facility and ultimately to the final product. The case study vividly portrays how AgNext's technology facilitates meticulous monitoring of geographic factors' impact on wheat quality, showcasing the powerful capabilities of their solutions. AgNext's focus on traceability empowers processors to maintain high standards, meet regulatory requirements, and build trust with consumers, bolstering the overall integrity of the wheat value chain.

AgNext's revolutionary solutions have had a profound impact on the wheat value chain in India, addressing key inefficiencies and challenges faced by processors.

Results & Impact

Remote Monitoring

AgNext's Qualix platform and Dashboards offer processors the convenience of remotely monitoring their wheat processing facilities from any location. Through visually engaging scenes, the case study portrays processors accessing the Qualix platform on their computer or mobile device, allowing them to have real-time visibility and control over their operations, even when their processing facilities are located miles away. This technology empowers processors to stay connected, make informed decisions promptly, and address any issues or concerns efficiently. AgNext's Qualix and Dashboards provide processors with enhanced flexibility and convenience, enabling them to effectively manage their wheat processing facilities and optimize their overall performance.

Faster Decision-Making

The real-time data and analytics delivered by AgNext's Qualix and Dashboards empower processors to make quicker and more informed decisions, enabling them to optimize their processes promptly. The case study showcases processors utilizing the intuitive dashboards to analyze data, gain valuable insights, and make informed decisions. This capability leads to enhanced operational efficiency and productivity throughout the wheat value chain. AgNext's technology equips processors with the tools they need to identify areas for improvement, streamline operations, and make data-driven decisions that drive overall success and competitiveness in the industry.

AgNext Certification and Product Recommendations

AgNext's certification and recommendation system plays a crucial role in assisting processors in producing high-quality final wheat products. Through the display of AgNext's certification and tailored product recommendations, processors gain a competitive advantage in the market. The case study showcases processors being recommended specific final products, such as pizza or biscuits, based on AgNext's certification. This not only boosts the processors' credibility but also enables them to cater to specific market demands and consumer preferences. AgNext's certification and recommendation system contribute to processors' success by ensuring product quality, enhancing marketability, and enabling them to meet the diverse needs of their target customers.

Explore Our Solutions

A Computer vision-based rapid physical quality analyser that can  assess morphological aspects such as clean, broken, damaged, discoloured, weevilled, etc in a multitude of grains, oilseeds, pulses and horticulture crops in  seconds. 

Computer vision based 360° rapid quality analyzer to assess all morphological aspects such as clean, broken, damaged, discolored,
weevilled, etc in food commodities and a dashboard to streamline your objectives and decision making.

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