There was a popular slogan – Government at your doorstep to deliver the services. Well, taking cue from the present times where social distancing is becoming the norm and there are advisories not to undertake travel until it is very necessary- food processing industry is also taking steps forward facilitate testing at the doorstep of the producer or may be at any place per se.

Who would have thought that quality consciousness and testing would become the defining norm for a product and its acceptability in the market, in particular for the food processing industry? Food processing industry is ever evolving and it continues to churn out new product and for each of these new products to make a name for themselves a certification of the raw material adds value to the equity and it can only become authentic if rapid testing is undertaken.
Testing of the products facilitates in maintaining a cutting edge reputation and is also in sync with the demands of the market factoring in the latest developments and therefore infusion of new technical innovations to stand out from the crowd becomes more so imperative. The game clincher in such a situation is the cost effectiveness.
But there are operational hurdles associated with getting the products tested. The accredited laboratories are far (mostly closed due to lockdown) and in-between and there are logistical nightmares in getting the products done. So the units dealing in the food-processing sector have set up their own laboratories that undertakes some rudimentary tests. However, had COVID not happened this situation may have continued to manifest, but now TEST is one of the words that has gained phenomenal traction in the lexicon of every Indian. It is the test, which has become the determinant factor whether the concerned individual is safe or has to be quarantined. This test is also going to be the fundamental determinant for the industry as well.
However, akin to the campaign-government at your doorstep there seems to be a way out from this situation by a product that has been designed by AGNEXT which is called Qualix – a revolutionary Artificial Intelligence based rapid quality testing platform for food-processing businesses to take quick decisions of procurement, anytime & anywhere. It is a portable solution that has the potential of scalability and can provide testing solutions in a jiffy. The invention of this solution has the potential to identify the issues of qualities of a product at the factory gate and also the headache of approaching testing logistics for certification of the product on defined parameters.
Presently this instrument has the ability to address quality issues of different range of agro-commodities like grains, oil seeds, pulses, spices, milk, tea & animal feed etc. Its efficacy and usage can be tested real time in the present harvesting season of wheat.
It is in fact the right time for the business entities that deal with wheat as the raw material to test this product. After all, world is trying all kinds of innovative solutions to cater to the menace of Corona, then the same experimentation can also be adopted by the food industry as well. It can become a cost effective solution that the industry has been looking for! After all, it claims to remove the manual processes of quality testing, cut down the higher costs and provide the solution at door head, so why not try it out.